I decided that to promote my new online boutique that the best way to do this would be to send out an e-shot, which I am not sure that all of you received!
Unfortunately the company that sent this out did not quite achieve the full effect and manage to get it into people's mailbox's!
So all the hard efforts that were put into this did not work, So I thought I could send it out via a blog, you can see the image and see what it is supposed to say!
I guess it is just another learning curve in the world of online marketing or general marketing.
A baffling world where there is plenty of literature, but I am not sure that anyone really puts it in black and white.
Any helpful tips are always welcome!? I will keep blogging and keep on marketing in the ways that i can understand and that are affordable at this beginning stage of setting up a small business.
check out http://www.tzefira.com/ feedback welcome?